
Google Search Ranking Tips Video With Google Employee Matt Cutts

In this post we will look at a great video from Matt Cutts and the Google search quality team.The video looks at sites just like yours and points out errors and suggest ideas to improve Search engine performance.Before we look at the video lets take a quick look at Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization

The term Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) cam be scary to the normal blogger.When you started your blog you probably never thought about S.E.O. and how you could get you blog indexed on Google, Yahoo and other search engines.We all want our blogs to rank well on the main search engine Google.Claiming the number one spot for popular search terms may be beyond the average Blogger but you don’t need to be first to get people clicking through to your site and making the first page is easier than you think.

When people start Blogging they often start searching for their blogs URL on Google and within a few days the URL will be indexed.But the key is to have you blog indexed for terms and prases people search for.Their are a number of basic steps you can take to help you blog perform well on Google and their are a number of posts here on Spice Up Your Blog to get you started.Here are some of the best : Search Engine Optimization Posts.

Who Is Matt Cutts

I have posted some of the videos Matt Cutts does for webmaster central here on Spice Up Your Blog and they contain some great information.He provides a transparent easy to follow explanation of how Google search works making it easier for beginners to optimize their sites without having to get the experts in.Matt works for Google in the search quality group.His blog Matt Cutts Google, Gadgets and SEO is hugely popular with bloggers and website owners alike.

So Matt sent out a Tweet (He is one of the most followed people on Twitter) looking for some people to submit their sites for a review, and in this video Matt and some of his team pick holes in the sites giving advice and improvements along the way.I think this is perfect for the aspiring Blogger as you will see sites just like yours and maybe see mistakes your making with solutions to fix those errors.The video is about an hour long so set aside some time and I’m sure you will pick up some S.E.O. tips and get your blog climbing the Google listings.

Google I/O 2010 – SEO site advice from the experts

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Google Search Ranking Tips Video With Google Employee Matt Cutts
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