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Getting Your Blog Ranked On Google With Google Employee Matt Cutts

Some of the most popular posts on this blog are in the Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) category.I have tried to provide information i have picked up over the years to help you get indexed on Google.I have covered lots of Google tips and tricks and tried to make them easy for all users.

I came across a recent video from USA Today, it is a Jefferson Grahaman interview with Matt Cutts from Google and he asked Matt how do we get our sites onto Google ?

What was Matt’s answer ?

He made 4 main points all of which i have told you and shown you on this blog :

Take a look at the video and see were i covered the points last year below :

1. Submit your blog to google, I showed you how to do this on the 16th of November 2009 in a post titled ‘Getting New Visitors To Your Blog – 8 Ways To Get Started

2. Add a meta description to your blog, I showed you how to do this on the 12th of November 2009 in a post titled ‘How To Improve Your Blogs Google Rank With Meta Tags & Description

3. Submit a sitemap to Google, i showed you how to this on the 26th of December 2009 in a post titled ‘Get More Traffic To Your Blog By Submitting 2 Sitemaps To Google In 5 Minutes

4.Improve your blogs title tags that appear in search results, I showed you how to do this on the 6th of October 2009 in a post titled ‘How to improve Your Blogs Google rank.Change how search engines see you Blog

Yes Matt’s tips are the same tips i gave you last year.I have been working with S.E.O. for a while over half the traffic to this blog is from Google, everything i tell you is genuine and the S.E.O. tips i have ready for future posts will help some more Click Here to see some more S.E.O. tips from the archive..

As always you have to keep posting to your blog and give the google crawlers something new to find, try to post new content to your blog once a day if you can.

It’s not rocket science you can do it.

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Getting Your Blog Ranked On Google With Google Employee Matt Cutts
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