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Facebook Release New Official Facebook For WordPress Plugin


Yesterday Facebook released a very cool and multi purpose Facebook For WordPress Plugin.Rather than simply auto posting your latest WordPress posts to Facebook you can fully integrate your Facebook and WordPress activity.With just a few clicks you can auto share WordPress posts and pages to your Timeline and with Mentions you can also share them to friends timeline’s.Facebook buttons and widgets can also be quickly added to your blog such as Like buttons and boxes, activity feeds, a recommend bar, Facebook comments below your WordPress posts and more.



Mentions are a big feature of the Facebook for WordPress plugin “..Once the plugin is installed, you can cross-post content published to WordPress to your Facebook Timeline and the Facebook Pages you manage. You can also mention the names of Pages and friends as you post to further distribute your content..”.In short when you mention a friend your post will be added to their timeline and a list of the friends you mention will be added to the top of the post on WordPress.


Social Facebook Widgets

What would a Facebook plugin be without widgets, the FB For WP plugin offers all the widgets you would expect.And all can be added with just a click :

  • Activity Feed: Shows readers their friends’ activity on the site, such as likes and comments.
  • Recommendations: Gives readers personalized suggestions for pages on your site they might like, as well as a Recommendations Bar option to give users the option to add content to their Timeline as they read.
  • Buttons: Customizable Like, Subscribe and Send buttons.
  • Comments Box: Makes it easy for people to comment on your site and post back to Facebook, and includes moderation tools. The plugin also features automatic SEO support for Facebook Comments, so search engines can index them to improve your site’s visibility.

This is just a summery of the features available as Facebook Developers really have gone the extra mile for WordPress bloggers using Facebook.Follow the link to download the Facebook For WordPress Plugin.

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Facebook Release New Official Facebook For WordPress Plugin
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