
Why Pinterest Is The Best New Way To Promote Your Blog

Just that alone would be enough to have bloggers everywhere tittering in delight. I mean, another way for people to essentially follow your site is great, right? But wait! There’s more! Not only does the person pinning the photo get to keep your site in mind forever, but they also share their ‘pins’ with others. Millions and millions of others.


Your audience just blew up. Any time someone searches Pinterest for ice cream… there you are. Or women’s shoes? Yep. Or car parts? Got it. As long as you have photos on your blog, the cuter, funnier, or more original the better, you will have Pinterest followers.

Wait… You don’t have photos on your blog? What are you doing? Are you crazy? No matter what your blog is about, it MUST have photos. Even if they are only marginally related, it gives readers some idea of what they’re looking at before they read.

Another idea- wordless blog posts. Yeah, you heard me. Why do you think Tumblr is so popular? All they have to do is plop down a photo, maybe add a caption, and they’ve got a blog post. And photos work. The first time I ran across a photo I just HAD to share (regardless of the fact it had little to do with my blog) it took off. Really. I was shocked.

The Importance Of Images

But there is a lesson to be learned here. People are visual first, and visual means pictures. Words are great, but you have to suck them into reading. Now with Pinterest becoming the next explosive thing on the market, pictures on your blog have never been so important.

Want to see for yourself? Visit the Pinterest site today and request an invite. You can even take a look at some photos while you are there. I recommend a search for funny, cute, or whatever your blog is about. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised and want to start your own account. But be careful, once you start ‘pinning’ you won’t want to stop.

Check out our Pinterest Pin It Buttons And Follow Buttons For Blogger And WordPress.

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By Guest Author –This Guest post is by Christine Kane, a graduate of Communication and Journalism. She enjoys writing about a wide-variety of subjects including internet service for different blogs. She can be reached via email at: Christi.Kane00 @

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Why Pinterest Is The Best New Way To Promote Your Blog
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