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blog network

Benefits Of Joining A Blog Network

A blog network is simply a group of blogs which share a common theme. Some of the networks are primarily focused on promoting blogs, while others have a commercial aspect. Blog networks come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from the small networks which focus on specific topics, to the large ones which cover a wide range of subjects.


Some of the most popular blog networks include b5media, Hubpages, Simply Good Media, Content Quake and 451 Press.

You can find many other networks by doing a simple Google search or finding out which networks other blogs in your niche have joined. Once you identify a network that suits you, get in touch with the network manager and explain clearly how your blog would add value to the blog network. Make sure your blog meets the requirements for being part of the network.

As a blogger, the following are some of the benefits you will enjoy by joining a blog network.

1. Networking

The best thing about joining a blog network is that you get to network with other bloggers, as well as network managers and owners. Most blog networks have different kinds of communication systems, including email lists, wikis, forums, VOIP sessions and chat. These systems provide an opportunity for forming vital relationships with other bloggers out there.

2. Expertise

Most bloggers need to learn skills which will help them run their blogs better. Blog networks offer a wide variety of expertise and skills which can be used to develop a blog. Most of them will take care of things such as search engine optimization, blog design, setting up URLs, selecting a blog platform, promotion and optimizing ads. This means that as a blogger, all you need to do is create content. Whenever you have problems with your blog, you will be able to get help quickly from the managers or other bloggers in the network.

3. Traffic

Without any connection to other sources of traffic, it can be a long and frustrating process finding readers for your blog. Being in a blog network will enable you to reach a bigger audience much faster. However, this varies from one network to another. The traffic usually comes from other blogs within the network, as well as inbound links from announcement posts. Many networks have systems of cross promoting blogs by grouping related blogs together.

4. Administration

Besides dealing with many technical aspects of operating a blog, blog networks also take care of many administrative tasks which are involved in blogging. These include book keeping, management of advertisers, and in some instances moderation of content spam.

5. SEO

One of the best things about being in a blog network is that you are assures of an incoming link from other blogs in the network. This is usually done through a footer or sidebar. Besides receiving traffic due to cross promotion, incoming links from other blogs will also enable you to improve the search engine ranking of your blog. Better visibility will lead to even more traffic.

6. Revenue

Some bloggers join blog networks because of the opportunity of making some money. Due to improved ranking, increased traffic and expertise offered by blog networks, you are more likely to earn more than if you opted to blog independently. However, the disadvantage is that you might have to split the revenue earned with the network.


By Guest Author –Charles often writes about Internet marketing and blogging tips. Currently, he is writing for Web Hosting Secret Revealed, a fantastic blog that contains reviews such as Jerry’s WP Engine Review.

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