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How to add a Digg button to the bottom of all your blog posts


Adding a Digg this button to all your blog posts is easily achieved.One simple piece of code will put the button below all your posts including your previous posts.

What is Digg? – Digg is one of the coolest websites known to man. Digg is a way for the public to filter through blog posts/images/videos/articles/websites/whatever and determine which ones are cool or not. Digg is also completely free to use. Can u dig it?

How does Digg work? – Digg is like a ginormous voting system for web information. The more people who vote or “Digg” any specific item… the higher it will rise in the Digg rankings.

You can have a digg button in your blog posts in three quick steps :

1.Click Layout–>Edit html for your blog

2.Click the box next to Expand Widget Templates and Find the following piece of code in your html :


(To quickly find code click “CTRL and F” on your keyboard a search box will appear use it to search for the code)

3.This is the code to be added:

<div style=’float:right; margin-left:10px;’>
<script type=’text/javascript’>
<script src=’’ type=’text/javascript’/>

Placement Options:

Place the code ABOVE <p><data:post.body/></p> for the digg button to appear at the top of your posts.

Place the code BELOW<p><data:post.body/></p> for the digg button to appear at the bottom of your posts.

Move The button across your blog?
To move your button across blog simply change the part of code in blue to “right” “left” or “center”

I use the button and You can see it at the bottom right of this post.

More info on Digg:

We Are Nearly Finished – First A Quick Reminder:
If you need more help or have an opinion or suggestion,
Please leave a comment Below.It also really helps with future posts if you let me know if a tip has worked on your blog.
This is a Do-Follow Blog so leaving a comment will also help Your blogs Google rank.
OK Back to business….

What is Digg? – Digg is one of the coolest websites known to man. Digg is a way for the public to filter through blog posts/images/videos/articles/websites/whatever and determine which ones are cool or not. Digg is also completely free to use. Can u dig it?

How does Digg work? – Digg is like a ginormous voting system for web information. The more people who vote or “Digg” any specific item… the higher it will rise in the Digg rankings. Sounds rather simple, huh?

Who uses Digg? – Anyone and Everyone. Digg is a system which is powered by the people. We choose what gets submitted and ultimately we choose which submissions are cool or not. This means that no website is too big or small, even your lame website about windows vista can make it into the Digg rankings.

How can I make money using Digg? – Here is the really cool part, so pay attention my friend… Submissions that make it to the front page of Digg get massive amounts of traffic. So much traffic in fact, that there is actually a new term called the “Digg Effect” – Digg effect is “the term given to the phenomenon of a popular website linking to a smaller site, causing the smaller site to slow down or even temporarily close due to the increased traffic.

How to add a Digg button to the bottom of all your blog posts
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