share button

Put a multiple option save and share button under all your blog posts

This addtoany save / share button has become extremely popular with bloggers.It is not too invasive on your blog style, takes up little room yet covers all the options you must make available to your blog readers to increase return visitors and provide social bookmarking options.

How to add a multiple option save and share button under all your blog posts

We all want visitors returning so no need to explain that one.If your unsure of the advantages of social bookmarking to your blog (and they can be staggering) i covered it in a previous post How Social Bookmarking Helps Your Blog .

Here is the button you will be adding under your posts
(Hover your cursor over the button to reveal all the options)


We will add the button under your blog posts in 4 easy steps

1. Click : ‘Layout’–>’Edit html’ for your blog
(Check the “Expand widget templates”)

2.Find the following piece of code (use CTRL F to use search)


3.Paste the code Directly Below <data:post.body/>

<a href=’’><img alt=’Best Blogger Tips’ src=’’/></a><a class=”a2a_dd” href=”;linkurl=YOURBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM“><img src=”” width=”171″ height=”16″ border=”0″ alt=”Share/Bookmark”/></a><script type=”text/javascript”>a2a_linkname=document.title;a2a_linkurl=”YOURBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM“;</script><script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

Edit : You must make 2 changes appears TWICE and must be replaced :

You must replace “” with your blog address.
Example :

If you use a custom domain no problem just replace with your custom URL.
Example :

4.Click save and your addtoany button is ready and waiting, What do you think ?

For more Social Bookmarking buttons and options check out these posts Social Bookmarking Posts

If you need more help drop a comment below !

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Put a multiple option save and share button under all your blog posts
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