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promotional tips

8 Smart Promotional Tips to Make Your Blog a Roaring Success !

8 Smart Promotional Tips to Make Your Blog a Roaring Success

Blogs: one of the hottest mediums in the online world, you can barely visit any site that doesn’t have a blog section, and the amount of blogs out there is increasing daily. Writing awesome content is all very well and good, yet this alone will not make your blog a hit; without smart promotion you will almost definitely fail. After all, what is the point in putting all your effort into writing fabulous content if no-one is listening?

Here are 8 tried and tested promotional tips that can do wonders for your blog following;

Use and Abuse Social Media!

A somewhat obvious platform to promote your blog, this is all too often not used to its maximum capability. More and more potential readers of your blog are entering into the world of social media everyday so it would be foolish NOT utilise this platform. Yet, be careful not to simply post updates of new posts. Connect with people and communicate on a personal level. Not only will showing your personality in this manner make people more likely to read your blog and share it with their followers and friends, but you can decipher what your desired readers want to discuss. Social media engagement not only helps promote your blog but also improves it. Result!

Include Useful Links in your posts.

By linking up other relevant and useful blog posts, not only will your readers know where to look for useful information, the bloggers you have linked to will be grateful for the link and be more likely to link up to you in the future.

Comment, Comment, Comment!

Commenting on other blog posts is an excellent way to connect with people, form contacts in your niche and get you name recognized. Blog writers will often respond to comments and questions on their posts, as k pertinent questions and you are sure to get answers and form contacts. Connect with these influential people on Twitter as well.

Get Guest Blogging!

Possibly the best way to promote your blog, there are hundreds of options to guest blog out there, and posting quality content on high-quality sites give you a broader audience for your posts. When guest posting, most of the time you are allowed to include links back to your own site. Brilliant promotion, these blogs can drive traffic back to your own site and potentially enlist a whole host of new followers.

Accept Guest Blogs.

Following on from the previous point, allowing people to post on your blog is also brilliant promotion. Guest bloggers are always looking for places to contribute their content and are more than happy to promote their contribution all over their social media channels. This will drive a lot of new people to your site.

Use Your Contacts.

Leverage your friends and family, again a seemingly simplistic tactic but getting 20 friends and family to share you blog on their own social media channels could unleash your blog onto a whole new range of potential readers.

Social Bookmarking Sites.

Another fabulous way of promoting your blog is utilising social bookmarking sites. Submit your post to social bookmarking sites such as Digg and watch lots of new people arrive at your blog.

Get Pinteresting!

I know this is in a sense a social bookmarking site and the Internet is currently bombarded with posts advocating this site as the newest marketing tool , but I really thought it deserved its own point. Pinterest not only promotes your content to a whole host of potential readers, but gives you dofollow links back to your own site every time something from your blog is pinned. Create a Pinterest account and engage in this community, repining and commenting on other boards and pinning interesting content from your own blog. This is a brilliant way to increase traffic and

Promotion is extremely important when blogging so employ these strategies and see your blog’s online presence sky rocket !

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8 Smart Promotional Tips to Make Your Blog a Roaring Success !
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